Interests Management


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You must have an Investor account with Prosper Marketplace ( Account details, Notes invested in, Listings available to invest in, get specific details for a Listing or Note and Invest in a Listing
Auto Investment coming soon!
1.0.13 - adjusted column widths for Listings and Notes grids1.0.12 - minor update: logger pointing to incorrect site1.0.11 - azure web hosting used for Privacy Policy1.0.10 - removed Payments loading for Notes; general code improvements1.0.9 - changed name to comply with "Prosper Marketplace" api; MyListings linked to Notes; turn off individual Graphs1.0.8 - turn on/off the graphs, minor bug fixes1.0.7 - graph adjusts according to device rotation; invested and pending graphs now layered1.0.6 - Menu visual improvements1.0.5 - Notes and Listings grouped by Rating; general error handling improvements; mobile full screen1.0.4 - UI updates; better looking menu; light theme; inflight_gross updating to be forced1.0.3 - new look using Xamarin.Forms (available for iOS, Android and Windows platforms)1.0.3 - updated the look of Notes; Notes past due are displayed red background; New icons for Notes, Note & Invest; crash reports sent to webserver via encrypted web service call (WCF), option to opt out in Settings (NEVER anything personal sent)1.0.1 - image updates; privacy policy link in Settings1.0 - initial release
Note: update details found on support website